Nolvadex 25
Nolvadex, known as Tamoxifen Citrate (or Nolva) is a popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). Nolvadex is regularly used as a medication to treat (and prevent) hormone-responsive breast cancer in therapeutic settings, and is also very popular in the performance enhancement scene. This ancillary drug is non-steroidal and is an invaluable compound that becomes necessary to supplement during most anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) cycles. Nolvadex is used to mitigate the estrogenic side effects of steroids that aromatize (convert into estrogen), and as part of a proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).
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- stimulates supressed testosterone production
- inhibits aromatization
- reduces estergen
- reduced water retention
Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: N/A
Half-life: 5-7 days
Recommended Dosage: 10-40mg daily
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): When used for AI use as needed. When used for PCT 7-14 days
Common Stacks: Testosterone, Anadrol, Anavar, Dianabol, Trenbolone, MENT, Tbol, Masterone, Primobolan, Deca, Equipoise
Common FEMALE Stacks: N/A
Nolvadex - Tamoxifen
Other Brand Names and Slang: Nolva, Nolva25, Nolva 25, Soltamox, Nolvadex25, Nolvadex 25
Nolvadex, known as Tamoxifen Citrate (or Nolva), is one of two popular Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) most commonly used by bodybuilders to counter the all too common estrogenic side effects that most aromatizing anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can bring, such as gynecomastia (bitch tits) and hypertension (due to increased water retention). SERMs work by binding to estrogen receptors and inhibiting aromatized estrogen (a byproduct from exogenous anabolic hormone administration) from binding to them and inducing its estrogenic side effects. Interestingly, Nolvadex also has the ability to act like estrogen in some parts of the body, like the liver, where the estrogenic activity has been found to improve cholesterol levels. It is commonly used on cycle for this purpose, and to mitigate estrogenic side effects, and post cycle to help initiate the body’s natural production of testosterone, and help regulate the related hormones negatively affected by exogenous hormone administration. Nolvadex is more potent than Clomid, and is more effective at raising luteinizing hormone (LH) levels post cycle.
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