M1T 10
Methyl-1-Testosterone, a.k.a. methyldihydroboldenone, is a methylated derivative of the anabolic steroid dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid that was designed to treat testosterone deficiency in males.
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- bulking agent
- increased stregth
- increased endurance
- rapid recovery time
- increase nitrogen retention
- huge boost in protein synthesis
Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 910-1600/100-220
Half-life: 5 hrs
Recommended Dosage: 20-40mg daily
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 4-8 weeks
Common Stacks: testosterone (enanthate cypionate, and propionate), Trenbolone, Oral Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Equipoise, Deca-Durabolin, Stanozolol, Anadrol, and Halotestin.
Common FEMALE Stacks: N/A
M1T - Methyltestosterone
Other Brand Names and Slang: Methyltestosterone, Methyl-1-testosterone, 17α-methyl-4, 5α-dihydro-δ1-testosterone, 17α-methyl-5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one, methyldihydroboldenone
Methyl-1-Testosterone was researched in the year 1962. It is also known as M1T. The year 1960s was a highly active time for steroid research. There were several varied anabolic agents that were studied and continued by various drug firms.
M1T had a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect. So, it was a promising compound. Like other steroids, it was not chosen to be developed as a medicine. There were only some agents that were provided the money for complete studies and release.
M1T was not chosen and was inactive. It was in the medical books for at least 40 years. It again came into existence in the year 2003 because it was introduced as a dietary supplement in America.
M1T – A Potent compound
As it is a potent compound, it was formulated in a 5 mg capsule. Consuming one capsule per day is ideal. One can have two capsules per day that is 10 mg for at least 5 to 6 weeks. These doses are low but its highly potent. There are some users who report that a dose of around 20 mg is extremely high. There are some side effects of toxicity and high blood pressure at these dosages.
M1T or Methyl-1-Testosteron is a methylated derivative of the anabolic steroid dihydrotestosterone or DHT. It is an anabolic steroid that was made to treat deficiency in testosterone in males.
Steroid Form
Methyl-1-Testosterone is marketed by America and is found in bottles in wide amounts of 10 mg of steroid per capsule or tablet.
Some additional Information
M1T or Methyl-1-Testosterone can be utilized for gaining and cutting purposes. It is cycled with any anabolic compound that includes the highly popular testosterone, Trenbolone, Oral Turinabol, Oxandrolone, Equipoise, Stanozolol, Anadrol and Halostestin.
M1T or Methyl-1-testosterone is the methylated version of the steroid 1-testosterone. It is a DHT derivative. It does not convert to DHT or Estrogen. M1T is 910-1600 percent as anabolic and 100 to 200 percent as androgenic as methyltest. This compound is orally bioavailable and liver toxic.
A M1T typical dose ranges from 5 mg each day to 20 mg each day. This depends on the experience. It is immensely powerful. It is not advised to run a cycle for more than two to four weeks. Several users will begin at a lower dose and increase it depending on the results and side effects.
It is feasible to add 15 to 20 lbs on a two-to-four-week cycle of M1T. Users will stack injectables like testosterone with an M1T cycle.
Side Effects
The most common side effect of M1T is lethargy. Users can become exhausted all through the day while using this compound. That’s the reason several people keep their dose nearer to 10 mg each day.
One more side effect that is usual with several steroids is an increase in blood pressure. Other side effects are cramps in muscles, depression, loss of hair, Enhanced size of prostate, headaches, insomnia and lessening of appetite. The good aspect is that M1T does not aromatize. So, there is no risk of side effects related to Estrogen.
Half-life of M1T
The half life of M1T is same as that of the oral steroids but a bit longer. It is between 9 to 12 hours. There are some individuals who have a notion that the true half life is 48 hours based on the effects after usage is stopped. It would be a good idea to split the dose into two each day, but it will function if it is necessary.
M1T is the most powerful and toxic oral steroid every made. In case you want to get serious mass and strengthen, then this compound will do its job effectively. Its also beneficial because there is no retention of water. The main aspect to bear in mind is that the side effects can be difficult to tolerate for experienced users.
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