-Strongest Oral Steriod Available
-helps with anemia
-Massive weight gain
-ideal bulking compound
-increased energy
-increase appetite (higher doses may decrease appetite)
-Huge strength gains
-increase in red blood cell count
Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 320:45
Half-life: 8hrs
Recommended Dosage: (MALE) 50-150mg daily (FEMALE) 5-25mg
Ideal Cycle Length (Male):4-6 weeks (Female): 4-6 weeks
Common Stacks: Winstrol, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Propionate, Sustnanon, Testosterone 400, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Parabolin
Anadrol - Oxymetholone
Other Brand Names and Slang: Anadrol 25, Anadrol 50, Andro, A's, Anasteron, Anasterona, Anasteronal, Anasterone, Androlic, A-50, Adroyd, A Bombs, Anapolon, Dynasten, Hemogenin, Kanestron 50, Nastenon, Roboral, Plenastril, Protanabol, Oxitosona 50, Oximetalon, Oxitoland, Oxitosona, Oxyanabolic, Oxybolone, Synasteron, Synasterobe, and Zenalosyn.
Anadrol has dozens of studies backing it up as a safe compound for women to take, with liver toxicity being a greater concern than virilization.
Standard dosing of anadrol for women with muscle wasting diseases starts at 1mg/kg/day (50mg/day for a tiny 50kg/110lb woman,) and tops out at 3mg/kg/day (150mg/day for the same woman.)
This study shows 100mg-150mg per day used in patients (including women) with HIV-1. Virilization did not occur in any patients.
All patients tolerated the drug(s) well. Potential side-effects of treatment were increased fatigue (n 2) and impotence (n 1). Peripheral oedema, deep venous thrombosis, hypertension, increased libido or signs of virilization were not observed.
Bill Roberts is also a big proponent of anadrol for women.
It may seem surprising but IMO Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.
I don’t specialize in cycles for women and don’t choose to involve myself with it — it almost only happens when the wife of someone I’m working with wants to use some anabolic steroids as well — but I haven’t seen 25 mg/day in divided doses go wrong yet.
Medically, you’d be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.
That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.
It may also be important to note that anadrol has among the lowest binding affinities of any well-known steroid not only to the androgen receptor, but also to SHBG. While the low affinity to the AR may or may not be a reason why virilization rates are low with anadrol, a major factor in virilization from AAS comes from their ability to bind to SHBG. Binding strongly to SHBG leaves more of a woman’s natural testosterone (women do not stop producing testosterone in the presence of exogenous androgens) unbound and more active in her body. This is likely a major reason why winstrol (known for binding strongly to SHBG), while great on paper, isn’t so female friendly in practice.
Some steroids which lacked affinity for the AR were also unable to bind significantly to SHBG, e.g. fluoxymesterolone, oxymetholone, and ethylestrenol.
Finally, anadrol slows estrogen metabolism. Anadrol interacts with, but is not metabolized by Cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in the 2-hydroxylation process (metabolism of estrogens.) This effectively puts a damper on estrogen metabolism. This inhibition of estrogen metabolism causes an increase in estrogen levels in men and women, despite anadrol not actually aromatizing. Virilization is not just a result of high androgen levels, it is also a result of a high androgen:estrogen ratio in females. By raising estrogen levels, anadrol keeps this ratio less skewed than other steroids would.
Although oxymetholone interacts with the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system in vitro, it is not metabolized by these enzymes.
Despite anadrol having an unwarranted reputation as a scary and dangerous steroid, anadrol is clinically documented as one of the safest steroids a woman can use. I would highly recommend any woman with prior AAS experience who is seeking to increase her mass and strength to give anadrol a try. Safe dosing starts at 12.5mg/day, increasing to 25mg/day if well tolerated. Above 25mg/day can be done, but most women will find the side effects too uncomfortable to deal with, and virilization does start to become a concern.
Edit: Updated the conclusion to recommended anadrol to those with prior AAS experience. Virilization aside, anadrol still carries a higher side effect profile (acne, blood pressure, water retention, mood swings) than anavar, and shouldn’t be your first step into the world of AAS.
If you use this steroid for a long time, you may have liver abnormalities, tumours in your spleen or liver. Call your doctor immediately and tell your doctor about the symptoms like upper stomach pain appetite loss, discoloration of urine or dark urine clay colored or urine clay colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), or rapid weight gain (especially in your face, blood-filled cysts and midsection)
Proper usage with the correct guidance from your healthcare provider is needed to maximize the effectiveness of Anadrol Oxymetholone or the other anabolic steroids. Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light to maintain efficacy.
Red Blood Cells or RBCs are the most common cells in human blood. Our body can produce millions of it each day. Erythrocytes of the Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and circulate around the body for the duration of one hundred and twenty days.
This makes sure that our tissues and organs are well-nourished. Lack of Red Blood Cells leads to anaemia which can develop into various complications and uncomfortable symptoms.
So it is a must to get our RBC levels in the normal range as soon as possible. We can augment Anadrol-50 efficacy by consuming foods rich in iron like red meat, liver, etc., leafy green vegetables: such as kale, dry fruits like raisins, legumes, and egg yolk.
Regular exercise is also beneficial not only to our body but to our mental health as well. Exercise is key to RBC production because vigorous and regular exercise causes your body to require more oxygen. When you need more oxygen, your brain signals your body to create more RBCs to fill in the gap.
This steroid is a work of Science and has been of great use to patients and health/fitness buffs alike. Its advancement has led to more treatment options for people with anaemia, osteoporosis and muscle wasting due to HIV/AIDS, and yes, it is even advantageous for normally healthy individuals with specific aesthetic needs and goals to achieve that beautiful, elusive body.
Just be guided accordingly. Call your doctor or healthcare provider and discuss how Anadrol-50 Oxymetholone can serve you best.